If your OR, laboratory or research facility had a surprise inspection tomorrow, would it earn a perfect score for cleanliness and infection control maintenance?
As with any industry, your janitorial staff can grow complacent and work on auto pilot without the proper guidance. When managers regularly check in and follow up with them to praise what they are doing well and correct what needs attention, they will take more pride in their work.
Learning how to detect whether your cleaning vendor is maintaining consistently high standards throughout the year or alternating ‘deep dive’ cleanings with less thorough maintenance is essential.
The fastest change you can make with your existing provider is taking the time to explain the “Why” behind the cleaning process. Simply training someone on how to clean a facility without explaining the reason behind the process, allows for errors. Explaining to someone that dust carries germs which carry infections provides a greater understanding and commitment to the daily cleaning process of your ORs and ambulatory settings.
Join us on July 18 at MassBio for a catered networking event with other operations and property managers from Boston-area hospitals, labs and research facilities to learn how to achieve and maintain that daily standard.
The Boston Building Maintenance leadership team will discuss the daily routines, supervisory standards and ongoing oversight practices that will help you achieve perfect scores on CMS surveys and Joint Commission lab and hospital accreditations.
The BBM playbook is based on their own experience achieving real, measurable results. In 2011, the BBM team lifted a struggling Boston-area ambulatory site from 56 to 100 percent compliance within one month of contracting.
Brittany Hampton, founder of BBM, will share her company’s three-pronged approach to healthcare cleaning: safety, oversight and communication. With the use of biweekly inspections and transparent reporting, find out how you can be better informed of ongoing issues that may require corrective action.
Hampton will share the in-depth spreadsheet BBM uses to track its teams’ top-to-bottom cleaning work on-site, as well as the reporting methods they use to track follow-ups, maintain oversight and report back to management.
Register now for this free Lunch & Learn, or email Brittany Hampton with questions at Brittany@bostonbuildingmaintenance.com.