woman smiling and man looking at her


Launched in 2022, MassBioDrive supports five groundbreaking biotechs twice a year (Spring and Fall) by connecting them with business fundamental curriculum, mentorship, industry connections, and equity-free prizes – without taking anything in return.

people connecting


Harnessing MassBio’s expansive network and deep connections in the life sciences industry, its partnering events, including the highly successful Pharma Days® help to identify emerging companies, technologies, and assets to build partnerships and external innovation with leading biopharmaceutical companies and funders.

woman giving presentation at align summit

Early Stage Funder and Partnering Conference: Align Summit

MassBio’s annual Align Summit builds relationships between funders and emerging and small biotech companies and event-specific fields such as AI. With Massachusetts’ robust ecosystem, this annual event has increasingly become the not-to-be-missed funding event.

man networking at massbio align summit

Sponsor Innovation

MassBio Innovation provides unique opportunities for major biopharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic, and digital health organizations to connect with leading early-stage companies developing relevant breakthrough technologies. Accelerate your organization’s innovation strategy with MassBio’s network of early-stage companies, academic institutions, principal investigators, and venture funds.