About the Studio
The Studio at Kendall Square is a video podcast studio built by BiotechTV and MassBio at MassBio’s headquarters in Tech Square at Kendall Square. It is a platform for the Boston biotech community to use and have your podcast discussions recorded in-person and then broadcast on BiotechTV. The studio will give voice to the vast network of experts who live in and around ‘The Most Innovative Square Mile on the Planet’.

Get on the Pod
Have an idea for an episode or a guest to interview? Potential topics include recent news analysis, insights on emerging technologies, discussions of newsworthy scientific papers, patient perspectives, conference previews, regulatory issues, company creation, and more. Your creativity is welcome regarding what the BiotechTV audience might like to watch.
Note: All ideas are appreciated, but not all will be accepted. Topics should be educational and non-promotional about your company or institution. We will respond to your request with feedback and, if approved, scheduling information.
Featured Episodes

Harvey Berger shares an update on Kojin and talks about the funding environment
October 25, 2024 — Biotech industry veteran Harvery Berger talks about his company’s job at hand to translate the science of ferroptosis into therapies. Plus, a warning about the currently very difficult funding environment for preclinical and other early stage companies in the sector.

A father and patient advocate discuss Canavan disease and a daughter’s experience on a gene therapy clinical trial
October 23, 2024 — Lauren Celano, a board member of the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association, interviews Lee Greenwood about his family’s experience with Canavan disease and how patient organizations and innovative research have impacted their journey from the beginning.

George Church on founder led companies, synthetic biology technologies, the future, and more
October 8, 2024 — Dan Mandell, Co-Founder and CEO of GRO Biosciences, interviews professor Church about the Genomically Recoded Organisms (GRO) platform that Dan spun out of his lab, asks him what technologies he is working on that excite him today, and gets his take on the sustainability of life on Earth and the opportunity to read or write the human brain.

Gene therapy experts TJ Cradick and Kate Excoffon discuss using AAV gene therapy for cystic fibrosis
October 3, 2024 — Dr. Excoffon describes her academic experience that led her to the field and Spirovant Sciences, discusses interesting data from last month’s North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, and then highlights Spirovant’s program and why using a small molecule modulator like doxorubicin might be the key to success.