Hands On PreON! Live demo on July 15, 2019 in Cambridge, MA
PreON: Sample preparation efficiency
We'd like to invite you to our exclusive PreON launch event in Cambridge MA.
You'll have the chance to see and work with the first dedicated automation system for protein sample preparation. PreON automates sample preparation workflows for efficient LC/MS analysis.
PreON Launch in Cambridge MA
July 15, 2019, 9:00 – 11:00 am
MassBio's Inspiriation Room
300 Technology Square 8th Floor, Cambridge MA
>> Reserve your seat now: Link
Looking forward to talking to you,
Garwin & Nils
Founder of PreOmics
E-Mail: Garwin.Pichler@preomics.comGarwin.Pichler@preomics.com