Aurore Marie nominated as Global Head, R&D Operations Management, and Board Member

Oct 12, 2021

Montpellier, October 13th, 2021: CILcare, the world leading CRO specialized in ear disorders, is pleased of nominating Aurore Marie at the position of Global Head, R&D Operations Management. In her new role, Aurore Marie will drive the support to production activities at global level and will serve as a new member of CILcare’s Board.

For the past six years, Aurore Marie has served as R&D project Manager and Senior Operations Manager at CILcare, responsible for directing and executing Sponsor’s studies and internal R&D programs, both in Montpellier France, and Lexington, MA USA. She was notably Principal Investigator on GLP ototoxicity and general toxicity studies over the 3 last years. Within her new position of Global Head, R&D Operations, she will manage and monitor CILcare’s French and US-based production and ensure maintaining highest level of excellence of the technology platform.

“We are pleased to welcome Aurore in this new position and to the CILcare’s board. Aurore is today an accomplished otology-scientist with a brilliant track-record of operations management. Her deep experience in managing preclinical studies in France and in the US with strong knowledge in the hearing field and electrophysiology measurements will be invaluable to CILcare and its customers.” comments Celia Belline, CEO.

Reporting directly to CILcare’s CEO, Aurore will be working in close relationship with CILcare’s US partner CBSET. In order to keep CILcare’s at the forefront of innovation, she will be in charge of keeping and developing auditory technical and surgical skills needed to the next-generation medicines such as cell and gene therapies. 

“I am delighted to be joining the CILcare’s Board at this stage of the Company’s development. CILcare’s unique know-how allows to deliver high quality services to pharma, biotech, and medtech companies. I look forward to working with the Board to continue growing the Company and delivering value for our sponsors which will benefit to millions of hearing-impaired people worldwide.”

Aurore Marie holds a Master Degree in Project Management and Innovation in Biotechnology and specialized in auditory in vivo pharmacology.

Marie PEYTAVY-IZARD, Marketing & Business Development Director
+33 (0)7 69 74 19 05

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