Gain a Competitive Advantage In Your Career By Expanding Your Knowledge & Skills in FOUR Areas

Aug 21, 2017


ONE – Basics

Biotech 101: The Science & Business of Biotech provides a thorough overview of the industry. The program covers two full days of biotechnology information for non-science professionals who may be working or looking to work in the biopharmaceutical industry. Additionally, each day is offered as an individual course.

9.25 The Science of Biotech explores the basics of the science that drives biopharmaceutical research and development. Non-scientists gain an appreciation for basic concepts in biotechnology and various inquiries that lead to actual products that impact patient lives. 

9.26 The Business of Biotech explores business considerations that drive company strategies. Participants gain a deeper understanding of how companies get launched, funded, regulated and strategically driven as they pursue products to address unmet medical needs. This course would be beneficial to those in science-based positions who seek a greater understanding of the business considerations that support the science. 


TWO – Regulatory Management

9.15 – 11.1 Wednesdays Overview of Health Product Regulation provides a broad understanding of regulators, regulations, and their interplay with industry across product development stages over the course of six evenings.  This course provides a strong introduction for those in the industry who may be interested in transitioning to regulatory roles. The option to earn 3.0 graduate credits that can be applied towards a certificate or master’s degree in Regulatory and Clinical Research Management from Regis College is available.


THREE – Transition to Leadership

10.10-11.14 Tuesdays Biotechnology Project Management examines critical aspects of project management, including an overview of the drug development process and regulatory agencies over the course of six weeks. Participants gain practical experience with project management tools and strategies for working in a team environment to analyze risk, allocate resources, track projects, resolve conflicts, make decisions, and manage management.  


FOUR – Transition to Leadership

As the industry grows and the skills needed by companies expand, MassBioEd offers two innovative classes in helping industry professionals develop managerial and leadership skills.

11.7 Making the Transition to Leader/Manager is a highly-acclaimed course that provides the key essential skills to effectively lead and manage in the life sciences.  This one-day course accommodates those that need a short but thorough course.  It is tailored to the specific needs of biotech, pharma and medical device organizations.  Participants will learn how to avoid the most common mistakes made by managers, gain the capability to apply appropriate leadership styles in varied situations, and learn strategies for conveying difficult information about performance – honestly and proactively.

9.15 & 10.6; 10.23 & 11.6 From the Laboratory to Leadership – 25th Anniversary Edition: The Leadership Edge brings this highly-interactive, four-day program to Massachusetts.  This course is aimed at turning science-based, first-time managers, as well as managers seeking to expand their management skills, into capable business leaders by leveraging extensive industry-specific knowledge and experience and utilizing the most progressive and engaging professional development methods available. 

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