CRO/CMO Symposium will shed a spotlight on the strength and success of the CRO and CMO communities in the Commonwealth and beyond, with a focus on industry trends and the momentum of outsourcing locally.
The Symposium will be held Friday, Nov. 13 and focus on the theme “Fast Forward: Leveraging Strategic Partners to Accelerate Drug Development.” This event draws more than 300 industry leaders to discuss and evaluate the best alternatives that have evolved in shortening time to market.
Fairmount Partners’ Michael Martorelli will present the morning keynote, “Piloting Your Strategic Options,” outlining the current state of outsourcing in the industry and setting the stage for the day’s discussions.
Harvard Business School’s Willy Shih will present the closing keynote, entitled “Competing on Capabilities: Is Outsourcing Always the Right Model?” Shih is known for his work on American economic competitiveness.
The Symposium will also feature panel discussions, industry-vendor case studies, new technology showcases, hot topic roundtable discussions and a networking reception. The Exhibit Hall will feature nearly 50 strategic partners from Massachusetts and around the globe, including representatives from Californiabased CROs and CMOs presented in partnership with BVS and Biocom.