Visit the Massachusetts Pavilion at BIO
The BIO International Convention is coming back to Boston next week, June 4-7, at the Boston Convention Center. For those who are attending BIO, the Massachusetts Pavilion (Booth #349) is the place to be. With the support of our Pavilion sponsors, there will be a near-constant stream of inspiring and engaging content – what we’re calling Possible Talks – from industry leaders and patients about why Massachusetts is the State of Possible. These Talks will range in topic from using technology to accelerate rare disease diagnosis to supporting women entrepreneurs in the life sciences. Additionally, in between every 10-minute Talkthere will be a ten-minute networking break. See the full schedule for Possible Talks here.
BIOWeek:Boston 2018 Guide
Big3Bio, the leading aggregator service for the top biotech hubs in the US has released their first version of BIOWeek:Boston 2018, the compendium of everything going on during the week of the BIO.
BIOWeek:Boston 2018 not only lists/links all of the major conferences occurring during the week, but also includes the week’s receptions and private events as well as advice and helpful information such as eating options around Boston. Download their guide here.
FREE Concert for ALL Life Sciences Professionals
Whether or not you're attending BIO, you can still register for a FREE concert for life sciences professionals, featuring Little Big Town. Concert will be held at the Blue Hills Bank Pavilion (in Boston’s Seaport, formerly Harborlights) on June 5th – doors open at 6pm, concert starts at 8pm. Register for the concert here.