With exceptional expertise in precision medicine, digital health, and medical devices, Northern Ireland’s Life and Health Sciences sector has progressed remarkably in recent years. The region’s economic development agency, Invest Northern Ireland, has maintained a presence in the US over the years and we continue to play an important role in strengthening Northern Ireland’s links, collaboration, and partnerships with key stakeholders across the country, particularly in Massachusetts and California.
Innovation has remained at the core of Northern Ireland’s life and health sciences ecosystem, with a legacy dating back to the development of the world’s first portable defibrillator in 1965. Today, the sector continues to thrive, with Northern Irish expertise reshaping the future of healthcare. For instance, our excellence in precision medicine and next-generation data analytics supports ground-breaking clinical trials and the development of rapid molecular diagnostic tests. Our world class universities are making significant strides in researching the effective diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cystic fibrosis.
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