Pick Up the Pace of Your Research – Take part in a 5-min survey for SMEs!

Apr 12, 2021

Online Survey: Improving Full-Text Access for Small and Medium Enterprises

Posted by Springer Nature

If you are part of R&D in a small and medium enterprise (SME), you know the pressure to innovate faster is on. Because for many R&D projects, being the first to market matters.


Yet, often scientists in SMEs have to fend for themselves:

  • Limited budget and resources
  • No library team or staff
  • Patchy full-text content access

Springer Nature, partner to MassBio and creator of the prestigious Nature journals, is on a mission to make life easier for SMEs. We want to hear your feed-back on how to improve access to full-text scientific content for small businesses and what is important to you.


Take our brief survey – it only takes 5 minutes. And you if you are quick, we will send you a $25 Amazon gift card for participating! Click here to participate: https://mktventures.survey.fm/online-survey-for-small-medium-enterprises-sme 

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