The immune system is responsible for protecting the body against illness and disease. It is comprised of a complex set of
components, including organs (e.g., spleen), the lymph system, antibodies, bone marrow, and white blood cells (e.g., T cells,
which play an important role in the immune response). Since the immune system’s job is to keep us healthy by defending
against invaders (e.g., bacteria and viruses), it is important to keep our immune system as strong as possible. Healthy living
is the primary recommended strategy to achieve this goal – but this strategy can be powerfully supplemented with high-
quality immune boosters. Immune boosters have become very popular in recent years; for example, it is estimated that the
global immune booster market will exceed $25B by 2025.
The active ingredient in the Cannaworx immune booster is a patented, proprietary blend of 44 amino acid fragments from
pepsin. The product has a unique and beneficial ability to significantly increasing the number of T helper cells in the
human body. T helper cells serve a critical function in the human immune response as they enable macrophage cells to kill
and consume bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. Consequently, the company’s product is different from most other
immune boosters on the market today, as it is a novel and potent T cell stimulator, enabling the immune system to
aggressively defend against invasions of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
Dr. Bobby Ghalili, co-founder and President of Cannaworx, commented: “To further enhance the immune-boosting effect,
we added hemp seed oil (no THC) to our patented formulation. Hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids (e.g., omega-6
and omega-3) and antioxidants that may help fight inflammation, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Omega-3 is also
thought to have a positive impact on the bowel microbiome as a prebiotic, providing further support to the immune system.
The manufacturing process of the patented 44 amino acid fragment formulation is highly proprietary, protected