In today’s highly regulated healthcare environment, compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations is critical to the success of life sciences companies. Consequently, compliance professionals and business executives have a strong interest in better understanding the compliance environment and gaining insight into compliance practices outside of their own companies.
The objective of this year's Porzio Life Sciences Compliance Survey is to obtain insight into the particular compliance operations challenges that life sciences companies face in 2020.
The questions can be answered in about 15 minutes. You may take the survey anonymously and providing your email address is optional. No answers will be attributed to any individual respondent or organization.
We will issue a comprehensive report on the aggregate survey data in the spring. The information may provide useful benchmarking as you manage your compliance program in the upcoming year. If you would like to receive the report, please answer affirmatively at the end of the survey.
As a thank-you for completing the survey, you are eligible for a free trial of the Porzio Compliance Digest (PCD). The PCD database is the brain of the Porzio ecosystem of products and services. It is a subscription?accessible, interactive Internet?based compliance resource, consisting of more than ten databases.
The databases cover laws and regulations and pending legislation governing the distribution of trade and sample products, sampling to mid?level practitioners, marketing disclosures, restrictions and limitations, state registrations, transparency reporting, and other compliance requirements applicable to pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech manufacturers. PCD also has enforcement action databases that track and synthesize FDA advertising/promotion enforcement, various government prosecutions, and PDMA inspection reports.
Thank you for your time.