Can “Digital Therapeutics” Be as Good as Drugs?
MIT Technology Review, 4/7/2017
Entrepreneurs are betting on apps that improve—or just replace—prescription medication.
Read the full article on MIT Technology Review
Apple has a secret team working on the holy grail for treating diabetes
CNBC, 4/12/2017
Apple has a secret group of biomedical engineers developing sensors to monitor blood sugar levels.
Medical device industry outlook in 2017: 5 thoughts from AdvaMed President and CEO Scott Whitaker
Becker's Spine Review, 4/14/2017
Washington D.C.-based AdvaMed President and CEO Scott Whitaker shared his thoughts on the device tax and device company inspections, as reported by Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
Read the full article on Becker's Spine Review
Google's Health Study Seeks 10,000 Volunteers to Give Up Their Medical Secrets
MIT Technology Review, 4/19/2017
The project will scrutinize spit, tears, stool, heartbeats and genomes to search for new predictors of disease.
Read the full article on MIT Technology Review
Scientists Create Artificial Womb That Could Help Prematurely Born Babies
WBUR News, 4/25/2017
Scientists have created an “artificial womb” in the hopes of someday using the device to save babies born extremely prematurely.